For new Professionals getting started in bamboo:


1. Login at

2. Click "Login" in the top right corner

3. Log in with your username and password


1. You can access your user profile by clicking the profile icon in the top right and clicking "Profile" - update or add any information you like, including a profile photo

2. You can add information for your professional profile under your user profile as well - "Pro Info"

3. Here you can also link your Zoom account (Link Zoom) or create your Stripe Account to take payments through the system (Link Stripe) - again you can use this without payments if you like for free


1. "Schedule an Activity" is available from the dropdown menu in the top right, where you can create and set up activities, either public or private, and send them out to your clients to sign up.

2. Once you create an activity, you can access public activities on the search page (accessible by clicking the bamboo icon in the top left, or click the profile icon in the top right), and private activities under your schedule or on your pro page - note that private activities can only be seen by you and the users involved in the activities.


1. There is a "Become a Client" feature that will allow you to add your clients to your activities - and charge them any amount you need to (ex: discounts, comped classes, class package upfront, etc.)  

2. For your users to become your client, they would need to create an account in the system, go to your pro page, and click "Become a Client" - you can always do this for them if you have their information too.

3. You or the client still need to enter their credit card information if you're going to charge them for anything.  For a private session, you can give them the direct URL to the activity, they can log in, and when signing up for the activity they can enter in their CC information - or do so from the Billing page on their profile.  If they are your client, you can do this for them too if they feel comfortable giving you the CC info when adding them to an activity as a client.