Packages can be used in several ways, and an overview of how to set them up is below:
1. Activity Types - Packages reference activity types that can apply to each activity. If you do not have any activity types set up, then any package will apply to any activity. But, if you want to create different packages for different types of activities, that is also possible.
To set up multiple packages, you'll want to make sure you have a least one activity type set up. You can do this under Pro Features/Activity Types, and you can make one type for all your activities or be creative if you want to provide multiple offerings.
Ex: if you only use one activity type, your activity packages will all refer to that one type. Type A would then be referenced by Package A.
Ex: If you offer multiple types of activities, you can set up multiple types of packages. So if you ran one package for AM activities and another package for PM activities (or weekday vs. weekend), you would also want to create an activity type for AM and a different activity type for PM. You can apply all these types on the schedule/edit activity page.
2. Set up a package
- Name: the public name of the package (ex: 5 activity pack)
- Description: a brief description of the package you're offering (ex: Buy 6 activities for the price of 5!)
- Activity Types: the activity types the package can be used with (AM vs. PM, Weekday vs. Weekend, etc.)
- Number of activities: how many activities the package should be able to apply towards
- Price: the price for the package
- Expiration: how many days after the first use of the package that the package is no longer able to be used (ex: valid for 90 days after purchase)