Subscriptions can be used in several ways, and an overview of how to set them up is below:
1. Activity Types - Subscriptions activity types that you can apply to each activity. If you do not set up any activity types, then any subscription will apply to all activities. If you want to create different subscriptions for different types of activities, that is also possible.
To set up multiple subscriptions, you'll want to make sure you have a least one activity type set up. You can do this under Pro Features/Activity Types, and you can make one type for all your activities or be creative if you want to provide multiple offerings.
Ex: if you only use one activity type, your subscriptions will all refer to that one type. Type A would then be referenced by Subscription A.
Ex: If you offer multiple types of activities, you can set up multiple types of subscriptions. So if you ran one subscription for AM activities and another subscription for PM activities (or weekday vs. weekend), you also want to create an activity type for AM and a different activity type for PM. You can apply all these types on the schedule/edit activity page and when setting up your subscription.
2. Set up a Subscription
- Name: the public name of the subscription (ex: Monthly Access)
- Description: a brief description of the subscription you're offering (ex: Monthly subscription to all my classes)
- Renewal Frequency: the duration of the subscription and how frequently the user will be billed (weekly, monthly, yearly)
- Price: the price for the subscription
- Activity Types: the activity types the subscription can be used with (AM vs. PM, Weekday vs. Weekend, etc.)
3. Users will be prompted 72 hours before their subscription renews and can cancel their subscriptions at any time. If a user cancels their subscription, they will still have access to your classes through the end of their subscription. Cancelling the subscription will not refund the subscription, but it will not renew. A pro can refund a subscription if they want under their Profile/Pro Features/Subscriptions/Subscribers.
Ex: a user has a monthly subscription with you and one week into the subscription, the user cancels. The subscription will remain valid for the remainder of the month and they can continue to take your activities.