Ready to sell on-demand video content or recorded past classes? Now you can post those videos online, set your price, and let bamboo handle the rest! Head into Pro Features/Videos to start setting up your online library today!
- Profile/Pro Features/Videos
- Click "New Video"
- Video Name - The title of the video that will be seen from your profile
- Description - Description of the video so users know more about what they are buying
- URL - The link of the video hosted from your favorite services such as YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, DailyMotion, Streamable, Soundcloud, Wistia, Mixcloud, or Vidyard. Note that Zoom, Google Drive, and Facebook links will not work here and those videos need to be hosted on one of the services listed previously.
- Price - The price for your video
- Expiration (optional) - You can set how many days users have access to your video
There is a section below your videos called "Purchased Videos" that show who has purchased your content and when their access to a video is set to expire. You can also refund your users here if needed.